Email any questions to

Note: applications must be submitted by employer/social agency/religious advisor. Individuals may not submit an application on their own. Please see below for further information.


  1. Financial assistance is designed to keep the family in their home, utilities continued, and some provisions where the wage earner can continue to work.

  2. The amount of funding is generally $300 or less. Late fees or penalties will NOT be paid.

  3. Radiant Hands contacts reference and business names listed. Permission must be given for release of information prior to submission of application.

  4. Use additional pages to describe situation and plan for moving forward.

The review process may take 3-5 days for a decision to be made by the committee and the outcome will be made through email to the referring agency.

Please note that priority will be given to women who are the sole support of the household.

Please email to request an application form


In order to apply for assistance, the request must come from a Social Worker, Clergy, Religious Leader, Employer or other Professional who knows your circumstances.

  • Property Manager referrals are generally not accepted. Radiant Hands Inc. works directly with the referring person/agency.

  • The form must be complete, including details of the emergency and complete information for the professional who is working with you (Social Worker, Employer, Minister, etc).

  • A business name and phone number must be included - cell numbers and home phones are not accepted. Additional pages may be used for more detail.

  • Incomplete and/or unsigned applications will not be reviewed.

Please make sure to type or PRINT all information. Use black pen to fill out the application. Faxed copies must be clear to read.